The advent of COBOL v5 brought the following reasons to consider upgrading from earlier versions of COBOL:
* Improved runtime performance resulting from support for hardware features in new IBM z13
The advent of COBOL v5 brought with it the following reasons to consider upgrading from earlier versions of COBOL:
* Improved runtime performance resulting from support for hardware features in new IBM z13
* Enhanced compiler options to improve programmer productivity
* Enhanced COBOL capabilities via new ISO2002 COBOL features & new IBM extensions to COBOL
COBOL v6 served to strengthen the justification for customers to now take the step of upgrading earlier versions of COBOL. As such, in response to meeting customer
needs MOST has introduced MOST’s COBOL Upgrade service. Key to this offering are MOST’s automated tools – OnTarget for code discovery, analysis and remediation
together with MF-Test, a tool to automate regression testing pursuant to such upgrades.